
Public transport in Munich

The official website https://www.mvv-muenchen.de/en/index.html provides information on timetables, fares and delays.

Public transport to the Hochschule für Musik und Theater

All events take place at the site “Luisenstraße 37a” either in room LCOA or L115.

From the MUC Airport

Take the S-Bahn (S1 or S8) to the station München Hauptbahnhof (Central Station). Trains depart every ten minutes between 4:24AM and and 0:56AM. The journey takes 44 minutes (S1) or 39 minutes (S8).

From München Hauptbahnhof (Central Station) to Luisenstraße

For the last part of the trip are 3 options available.
You can simply take the 15 minutes walk from Hauptbahnhof to Luisenstraße.

The second option is the subway U2 (Feldmoching) which you exit at the next stop “Königsplatz” and walk about 5 minutes to the location.

Lastly you can take the bus lines 100 (Ostbahnhof) or 58 (City ring via Pinakotheken), which depart
right at the northern exit of the Central Station. Exit after 3 stops at “Technische Universität” and you are within 100m of Luisenstraße.


  • A Single Trip ticket from the airport to Hauptbahnhof (which includes the subway/bus ride) costs €13.60
  • A one way ticket from Hauptbahnhof to Luisenstraße (subway or bus) costs €1.90
  • Should you wish to purchase a Streifenkarte (Stripe Ticket – €17.00 for 10 Stripes), you will need 7 stripes (equivalent to €11.90) for the journey from the airport or one stripe (equivalent to €1.70) from the central station to the Hochschule.

Ticket machines can be found around the airport and on the platform as well as at the central station and subway stations. Credit cards are accepted. Alternatively, tickets may be bought online or via the mobile app: https://www.mvv-muenchen.de/en/tickets-and-fares/online-und-handyticket/index.html


Here is the entrance to the HMTM’s Luisenstraße building.

Inside the building, you will find LCOA (Carl Orff Auditorium) directly in front of the stairs on the first floor.
Room L115 is located at the end of the right-hand corridor on the first floor.




Hochschule für Musik und Theater München
Standort Luisenstraße
Luisenstraße 37a
80333 München